As we know Richard Dawkins as an appreciator of Darwin from his books, this time he dedicates his new documentary to the genius of all time for the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species.
After for a long time, people still doesn't understand the mechanics of evolution. Some sees Darwin as a lunatic or a devil. But they don't understand that evolution is the most simple and magnificent idea ever found.
So we need scholars like Richard Dawkins who persuades the reason and shares his wisdom with us more than anything.
In these series Dawkins shows why evolution offers far reacher and more spectacular view of life rather than any religion and how Darwin opened our eyes for reality. And he will try to convince us for the undeniable truth: EVOLUTION IS A FACT.
The first program opens in a science class. Dawkins argues with the students (how lucky they are) about evolution and answers them cleverly.
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